2024 Prayer Walks

This year our monthly focus is prayer for the Ekklesia, defined as God’s “called out ones”.  We ask God to remember His promises to the Ekklesia for His names’ sake. Knowing that people are called to live here that they might seek God and find Him (Acts 17:26-28). We corporately ask for forgiveness of sin and extend forgiveness to those who have sinned against us, believing our prayers will dismiss and displace the enemy of the Ekklesia. We release angelic assignments with the word of the Lord and our faith.

Our decree: “Grace & peace from He who is, and was, and is to come; who has gathered us into His Kingdom and made us the Ekklesia, His called-out ones” (Revelation 1:4,6).


More on Ekklesia from scripture

EKKLESIA – Excerpts taken from Dr. Patti Amsden’s book, Ekklesia, Kingdom Government In Operation, Camden House Books.
The English word church is translated from the Greek word Ekklesia. Ekklesia is a compound word from ek, meaning “out,” and kaleo, meaning “to call.” Simply defined, Ekklesia means “those who are called out.”
Ekklesia is commonly translated as “church” in the New Testament:
 Acts 11:26 says that “Barnabas and Saul met with the church [ekklesia]” in Antioch.
1 Corinthians 15:9 Paul says that he had persecuted the church [ekklesia] of God.”
(1 Peter 2:9). The Greek ekklesia is the basis for our English words ecclesiastical (“pertaining to the church”) and ecclesiology (“the study of doctrine concerning the church”).
The “called-out ones,” are believers whom God has called out of the world and into His wonderful light.
It is important that the church today understand the definition of ekklesia. The church needs to see itself as being “called out” by God. If the church wants to make a difference in the world, it must be different from the world. Salt is different from the food it flavors. God has called the church to be separate from sin (1 Peter 1:16), to embrace fellowship with other believers (Acts 2:42), and to be a light to the world (Matthew 5:14). God has graciously called us unto Himself: “‘Come out from them and be separate,’ says the Lord. ‘Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you’” (2 Corinthians 6:17).

December Prayer Assignments:

You are invited to join the Erie Impact Singers in singing over Erie during the Erie Downtown D’Lights evening, Friday, December 6 (postponed to December 13). We are singing from 5:30 to 6:30 in front of the Nood Station 3 restaurant, at 5th & State (old Molly Brannigan’s). Erie Gideons will also be handing out Bibles and praying for people. If you’re not a singer, Dr. Ken welcomes you to pray and evangelize with the Gideons.  Afterwards we can bless the restaurant with our patronage. There will not be a prayer walk Saturday, December 7. May our city experience the love of God through song!


Thanks to the folks who came out to sing. We got lots of smiles and wishes for a Merry Christmas!

November Prayer Assignments:


**Headline: THE WAVE IS COMING!!!**

The Great American Prayer Event is set to launch a wave of prayer across America on Monday, November 4, starting at 6 PM Eastern Time. This monumental event will see participation from all 50 states, uniting individuals and communities in a powerful collective prayer effort.

“This is simply amazing!” exclaimed GAP National Chairman Hope Hines from Nashville. “People are fired up and ready to pray!”

The event will kick off with prayer services beginning on the East Coast at 6 PM, progressing across the nation by time zones, creating a virtual wave of prayer that will last for four hours. “We will pray for revival, awakening, healing, and unity in Jesus!” Hines added passionately.

As of now, over 250 churches have signed on to host prayer meetings for this significant event. In addition, more than 20,000 individuals have visited the event’s website to access materials and resources to prepare for their participation.

“We encourage everyone to join us in this unified effort,” said Hines. “No matter where you are in the country, you can be part of this historic moment. Together, we can make a difference through the power of prayer.”

For more information and to find a participating church near you, please visit: [gap-event.org](http://gap-event.org).

Join us as we create a wave of hope and faith that will resonate across the nation!


Apostles Al & Kacey Hauck Bio

Al and Kacey Hauck are cofounders of Friend Of God Ministries, and currently serve as apostolic overseers at Shepherd’s Heart Christian Fellowship in Greece, New York, a work which started in their home thirty one years ago.  They provide apostolic oversight to ministries in the United States, Africa, Asia and South America.  Al and Kacey have ministered prophetically at churches and conferences in the United States and internationally, teaching extensively on Spiritual Warfare from the perspective of the Believer’s Authority in our Father’s Perfect Love; Walking in Power and Authority; Prophetic Worship; and equipping Believers to do the work of Jesus to Implement Kingdom Principles in the Seven Mountains.  Their passion for the Presence of the Lord is reflected in their heart for worship, and is expressed in their desire to see the saints across generations equipped in the Word and released in Holy Spirit power to attain their destiny in Christ.  They also instruct worship groups and intercessors, emphasizing the release of prophetic worship, warfare and intercession.  Al has taught extensively on Servant Leadership in the Business, Education, Government and Religion Mountains.

Al Hauck has a varied and accomplished background, having worked at some point in each of the Seven Mountains which mold culture.  After receiving a BA in Chemistry from Hartwick College and a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from Texas A&M University, Al joined the Eastman Kodak Company.  Al’s inventions, technical and process improvement efforts before retiring after almost thirty-two years generated over several hundred million dollars in savings for the Eastman Kodak Company.  In his role as an International Manufacturing Business Manager, Al spoke into the strategies of the company’s most profitable business.  Al has also earned a Doctoral Certificate in Practical Ministry from the Wagner Leadership Institute.  He has started five not-for-profit and five for profit corporations.  Al currently serves as President of Apostolic Intercessors Network, a for profit business providing apostolic and prophetic, professional level intercession to leaders in the Seven Mountains on five continents.

Kacey Hauck also has a varied and accomplished background.  After attending Hartwick College and receiving a BA in Sociology with minors in Biology and Education, Kacey has taught in public and private schools, worked as a trace analysis laboratory technician, managed a personal business, and retired from her role as the librarian at a Christian School.  Kacey has also earned a Doctoral Certificate in Practical Ministry from the Wagner Leadership Institute.

Al and Kacey are aligned with Apostle Chuck Pierce and are commissioned by Kingdom Harvest Alliance headquartered in Corinth, Texas.  Al and Kacey currently serve as apostolic coordinators of Reform Rochester to link generations, intercessors and five-fold ministers to bring reformation to Western New York State.  They joyfully serve as the parents of three children and four grandchildren!

October Prayer Assignments:

Threshold Declaration for Swing States from Cindy Jacobs and IFA- 9/29/24

Abby Abildness, director of the Pennsylvania Apostolic Prayer Network, has passed on a special prayer assignment regarding the election from Cindy Jacobs, Anne Tate (Chuck Pierce), Mark Gonzales (Hispanic Prayer Network) and Jody Wood (Facilitator of the Global Prayer Network at the UN), who were recently together in DC.

They are asking us to release the attached declaration over the land. We bring “Federal Hill”, Erie city/county into alignment with God’s original intent and purpose.

Abby Abildness, director of the Pennsylvania Apostolic Prayer Network, has passed on a special prayer assignment regarding the election from Cindy Jacobs, Anne Tate (Chuck Pierce), Mark Gonzales (Hispanic Prayer Network) and Jody Wood (Facilitator of the Global Prayer Network at the UN), who were recently together in DC.
They are asking us to release the attached declaration over the land. Here’s what I am suggesting.
o If you are a county representative of PAPN, ask the Lord where He
would have you go in your county to release this decree. Go, decree
over the land, striking it seven times, in accordance with the decree,
anoint the land with oil / communion and bless it back to the Lord for
His purposes.
o Stand on your own property and decree over the land, striking it seven
times, in accordance with the decree, anoint the land with oil /
communion and bless it back to the Lord for His purposes.
o Distribute the decree to any county residents you know are aligned in
the spirit with its purpose. Ask them to stand on their own property
and decree over the land, striking it seven times, in accordance with
the decree, anoint the land with oil / communion and bless it back to
the Lord for His purposes.
o As often as possible, release the decree during county focused prayer
calls you are part of from now until the election.
This kind of repetition is what I call laser beam prayer, hitting the target with concentrated, specific prayer, like a jackhammer breaking up bedrock (root strongholds). It is both effective and fervent. Cindy has asked that we report back when this assignment is complete, sharing what we did and when, so please let me know. It doesn’t need to be long.
Thank you so much for all you are doing for the Kingdom.
Bill and Betsy West
Intercessors For America – Pennsylvania State Prayer Leaders
Threshold Declaration for Swing States – We bring “Federal Hill”, Erie city/county into alignment with God’s original intent and purpose.
Dear Lord, we come as one today to decree into our City, our Counties and our State
that the Almighty God who caused us to be birthed and to become His child
has a righteous path for us through everything we are facing as a nation
today. We have come here to decree that this City, this County, this State
will swing with you and your plans, Lord.
We decree Psalms 19:1-4: The heavens declare the glory of God;
and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters
speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech
nor language Where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone
out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.
We decree as Watchmen we will watch and hear during the day and in the
night what you will say to us. We will obey every instruction.
We decree we are finished with the last season in this City, County, State and
we are looking and listening to you for your prophetic voices that will begin
to overcome and rule in the new season over the enemies of our future. We
are receiving a new finishing anointing for the new season we are advancing
We will stand and strike the ground again and again and again and again and
again and again and again, as you speak the words of wisdom and revelation
to bring this territory into your destined purpose, we will declare all we hear.
(2 Kings 13:14-19).
We will not be overcome by our enemies who want to stand in the gate of
our future and manipulate, control and confine, exercising stolen authority
within these boundaries.
We will occupy these gates planting your word in this threshold. We will obey
your word by being strong and courageous (Deuteronomy 31:7). You are our
life and the length of our days (Deuteronomy 30:20).
We will stretch out the spear placed in our hand toward your promises we will
take back and occupy our land. Israel’s offensive is warring even now in
Operation Spear to take back and occupy their land. Lord, we acknowledge
and recognize you as our Joshua in this battle. (Joshua 8)
“People who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits” (Daniel 11:32).
Dear friends of God,
As John wrote, “I pray that you are prospering in every way and that you continually enjoy good health, just as your soul is prospering” (3 John 2).
Saturday’s prayer walk, October 5, will be at Federal Hill, 26th & Peach Streets.

History of Federal Hill

Federal Hill is the summit of the hill in South Erie, a name given to it on account of the large number of “Federals” who resided there. Historically, Federal Hill was home to middle- and upper-class families, businessmen, and merchants who supported a strong federalist government during the Civil War.
A “Federal” government refers to a system where power is divided between a central government and individual states. A “republic” is a form of government in which the people hold power, electing representatives to exercise that power to govern on their behalf. The USA is a federal republic.

Prayers of Repentance

Heavenly Father, we come to you with humble hearts as we pray for our community. There are plenty of people to find fault with in our world today. However, when Jesus confronted the accusers of a woman caught in adultery, he did so with a challenge. He wrote in the dirt (most likely a list of sins), then said, “Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone” (John 8: 4-9). As we contemplate how Jesus handled this situation, we too choose to drop our stones and turn from sin.
We turn from rebellion and pride, knowing that they are as bad as witchcraft (I Samuel 15:23). Pride can be a heavy burden that blinds us to our own faults elevating ourselves above others, creating barriers between us and those we are called to love and serve. We take a moment this morning to reflect deeply on the ways pride may have taken root in our hearts and ask for the strength to let go of self-reliance (I Samuel 17:47).
Recognizing the subtle but destructive power of pride, we intercede in repentance for the times pride has distorted judgement in our leaders and caused them to act out of arrogance or selfish ambition. We ask that our city, state and national leaders embrace a spirit of humility trusting in God as their source before their own confidence fails them (Isaiah 28:20 TAB).
God’s word teaches that true leadership is rooted in humility, not in the pursuit of personal glory. Knowing that humility breaks the back of pride, we implore you Father, send to our city, state and nation, great leaders who reverence you, admit their mistakes, inspire trust, and foster unity in building the Kingdom of God.

Revitalization efforts for Federal Hill area!

‘Concentrating on revitalizaton’

Nonprofit champions community improvement projects

Kevin Flowers Erie Times-News | USA TODAY NETWORK

The push for continued neighborhood improvements continues in Erie’s Little Italy neighborhood on the city’s west side, as well as a portion of east Erie and the Federal Hill neighborhood near West 26th and Peach streets.

Representatives of the nonprofit Sisters of St. Joseph Neighborhood Network, which has focused on community development and social service projects in that area since 2000, met with members of Erie City Council and city officials for a Tuesday study session at City Hall, 626 State St.

The topic of discussion was a comprehensive, multiyear action/investments plan for those areas that the Sisters of St. Joseph have developed.

City Council is expected to approve a resolution soon that endorses the plan, which was developed with assistance from City Architecture, a Cleveland, Ohio-based firm.

“This plan is really concentrating on revitalization and those sort of built environment strategies,” Heather Caspar, the Neighborhood Network’s executive director, told City Council members. “What we didn’t want this plan to be was just another big binder sitting on a shelf.”

Where is the plan focused?

The organization is concentrating on six city Census tracts that include the Little Italy neighborhood, roughly defined as the area between West 12th and West 21st streets, from State to Cranberry streets; the Federal Hill area near West 26th and Peach streets; and a portion of east Erie roughly between East 21st and East 26th streets from State Street to the Bayfront Connector.

Within those areas are significant populations of people of color and immigrants/ new Americans, according to the Sisters of St. Joseph plan. In addition, there is a high percentage of renter- occupied properties in those areas; and in much of the service area there are “high levels of residents who live below the poverty line,” according to the plan.

What are some of the recommended improvements?

The suggestions for those areas include, but are not limited to:

 Improving the physical appearance of various neighborhoods in the focus areas via removing/preventing blight; streetscape enhancements; urban farming; community maintenance/ cleanup programs; and new public art.

 Installing additional security cameras and porch lights to combat crime, as well as implementing “preventionfocused neighborhood initiatives and collaborations.”

 Working more closely with business owners and potential investors to secure grants and other funding to boost economic development, as well as “job stability programming” for teenagers and young adults.

 Creating more affordable housing through facade improvements, property rehabilitation of both occupied and vacant units, and first-time homeownership programs.

 Additional community engagement that helps identify and address the needs of residents.

Jackie Spry, the city’s planning director, endorsed the plan and urged City Council to approve it.

She said the nonprofit has been involved in a host of valuable initiatives over the past 24 years, including youth mentoring, after-school tutoring; first-time homeownership, creating community gardens; and public art.

The Neighborhood Network has become “A trusted agent for both care and change in Erie’s neighborhoods,” Spry said.

The plan also gives the nonprofit a framework for implementing its public grants and private investments, Spry said.

City Council reaction

Erie City Council President Jasmine Flores said she likes the plan’s objectives, saying she “pretty much for the most part approves of what (the Neighborhood Network) has been able to break down for us.”

Councilmember Tyler Titus added that the Neighborhood Network’s footprint includes a lot of people who are struggling in various ways, and the plan could help “elevate” some of those residents.

“I commend you… I know that is not easy work,” Titus said.

Contact Kevin Flowers at kflowers@ timesnews.com. Follow him on X

at @ETNflowers .

September Prayer Assignments:

The nation is looking to Erie; let them see us turn to God for wisdom & revelation!!

August 17, 2024 at 7:05 a.m. EDT
ERIE, Pa. — Esther Kendema begins work at 4:30 a.m., cleaning buildings for a local university. After a full shift, she drives a few hours for Uber. Then the mother of 10 heads to her third job, cleaning a community center on the city’s east side.
Kendema, 42, often gets only two or three hours of sleep before starting her daily routine all over again. She feels the pressure of a $579 monthly car loan payment for her used Ford Explorer, along with bills for water, electricity and everything else her family needs.
“The economy is tough, tough, tough. But we have to do the best we can,” she said.
Kendema’s struggles may be distinctive. But they are not unique. As Election Day draws nearer, a sizable majority of Americans — despite low unemployment, steady growth and rising wages — say they are dissatisfied with the economy.
The historic inflation that hit the United States and every other advanced nation over the past three years helps explain voters’ ire. But conditions in Erie — a bellwether county that voted in turn for Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden — show how long-term developments also are to blame.
The county has fewer jobs and residents today than it did in 2001. Though the 3.9 percent unemployment rate in June was lower than the national 4.1 percent mark, that’s in part because many people have dropped out of the labor force because of age or disability. The poverty rate is higher than the national average; a larger share of people rely on government assistance, including food stamps; and job opportunities for the young are scarce.
Almost 1 in 5 Americans live in a “left behind” county like this one, according to the Economic Innovation Group, a nonpartisan research outfit. These roughly 1,000 U.S. counties grew their population and household income less than half as fast as the nation did between 2000 and 2016.
Erie County voted for Ronald Reagan twice but otherwise was a reliable Democratic bastion until 2016, when it switched to Trump. For places like this corner of northwest Pennsylvania, the search for a savior continues.
“It seems like right now the whole country is looking for a change they’re not getting,” said Joe Sinnott, a Democrat who served three terms as Erie’s mayor and now heads the county’s economic development efforts. “They’re looking for a stability they don’t have and they’re trying these different ways to get it, to get back to the stability of the Clinton years or maybe even going back to the Reagan years.”
That persistent discontent is shaping the presidential contest. By a 2-to-1 margin, voters in a CNBC poll this month trusted Trump rather than Vice President Kamala Harris to deliver prosperity; 78 percent of those surveyed called the economy “fair” or “poor.”
Erie’s plight reflects the U.S. economy’s uneven growth in recent decades as technology supplanted manufacturing. Starting in the 1980s, a new economy arose that showered its gains on a handful of coastal “superstar cities,” said Mark Muro, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. Roughly 73 percent of jobs created since the financial crisis have been in metro areas with 1 million or more residents, such as San Francisco, Boston and New York, according to Brookings.
Like many factory communities, Erie has been battered over the past two decades by a number of shocks: the rise of China as a global manufacturer; job-killing automation; the Great Recession of 2008; and the coronavirus pandemic.

A mural of the American flag, the Statue of Liberty and an eagle is painted on the Team Hardinger building in Erie. (Angelo Merendino for The Washington Post/for the Washington Post)

In 2015, Zurn, a maker of plumbing hardware, moved its headquarters out of town. A locomotive plant that once employed more than 20,000 workers when General Electric owned it now provides jobs for roughly one-tenth that number under Wabtec, which acquired it in 2018.
Erie’s situation is representative of scores of communities that once thrived thanks to heavy industry. American factory jobs have been disappearing for almost half a century, as technology allows fewer hands to do more work and countries such as China and Mexico provide lower-cost alternatives to production in the United States.
In the 1950s, more than half of county jobs were in factories. Manufacturing today accounts for about 15 percent of county employment, still almost twice the national average. Local officials tout bright spots such as Erie Insurance, which has added jobs. But finding a second act has been difficult.
Between 1980 and 2010, the number of county residents stagnated around 280,000, even as the nation’s population grew by more than one-third. Then the population fell by about 10,000 people over the next decade, as people died or left for better opportunities.
The county had 130,239 jobs in June 2001, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. By the end of last year, that figure had fallen nearly 9 percent to 119,021, while total U.S. jobs grew about 20 percent over the same period.
More recently, the end of pandemic-era benefits, including the expanded child tax credit, which expired in 2021, pushed an estimated 3 million children in the United States back into the poverty they had only recently escaped. Median household income, adjusted for inflation, fell in 2022 for the third consecutive year, according to the Census Bureau.
Against that backdrop, higher prices have proved to be one shock too many for the poor while the affluent grumble and go about their lives.
“We talk about being more divided than ever. I don’t know if it’s a Republican or a Democrat divide. It’s a class divide. People are so desperate or they’re inconvenienced. You’re one or the other,” said Chris Groner, 51, the city’s director of development finance.
Standing in line at a convenience store on a recent weekday, he saw firsthand how some residents are stretchedA young mother, small children in tow, was trying to pay for something that used to cost a few bucks and now costs more. But the card reader kept rejecting her credit card.
“She was panicking, and she turned to me and she said, ‘When is somebody going to do something about this?’” said Groner, who was behind her in line.
He covered the woman’s modest tab. But days later, he hadn’t been able to shake the mixture of fury and frustration on her face.
Though the annual inflation rate is almost back down to the Federal Reserve’s 2 percent target, prices overall remain more than 20 percent higher than they were three years ago.
Groner said exasperated residents routinely call him pleading for help that his office is not equipped to provide. Some callers cannot afford their groceries. Others are falling behind on their rent.
In 14 years as a public servant, he has never gotten so many calls, Groner said. “The questions go on and on. All those folks care about is making it to another day, another week, another month,” he said. The irony — or the puzzle — is that this evident stress coexists with hints of green shoots in the local economy. A long-planned plastics recycling facility is moving forward, thanks to a new federal loan guarantee. The Japanese corporation Kyocera broke ground this spring on a new manufacturing facility. And popular amenities, including an indoor golf simulator and a rock climbing gym, have opened downtown. The county’s slow-bleed population decline also appears to be bottoming out. But Marty Nwachukwu, 31, an organizer for Erie County United, a grassroots lobbying group, said many residents are not benefiting. She works to register people to vote and has helped elect nontraditional candidates to local offices while confronting a profound sense of inertia. “For a majority of the working class, I would say there’s a sense of apathy. And I would even call it a depression. Feeling that nothing will change or get better no matter who they vote for,” she said. Sentiments are similar in the county’s rural precincts. At the Family Support Center in Union City, about 20 miles southeast of Erie, staffers help residents fill out applications for government benefits. The forms also ask if they want to register to vote. “Everyone tells us ‘no,’” said Heather Brooks, 38, the center’s executive director. Union City is a crossroads town of fewer than 3,000 people. Ethan Allen once employed nearly 250 workers in a local furniture plant and is now closed like so many others. People here still bemoan the demise of True Temper, a wheelbarrow handle maker that shut down more than a decade ago.
Many residents make too much to qualify for public assistance but not enough to cover rent, food, car insurance and other needs.
Other societal ills are eroding the sense of well-being that an otherwise strong economy might provide. Through July 29, there were 435 drug overdose deaths in the county, compared with 207 for the entire year in 2019, according to the county medical examiner’s office.
Seth Keiper, 41, a software engineer, recently started carrying Narcan, the over-the-counter spray used to treat opioid overdoses.
“I got the Narcan just in case. Because I’ve been just driving in Erie and you can see people, you can see the slouching when they’re walking and stuff,” Keiper said. “You never know when you might need it.
Back in the city, Kendema, 42, personifies Erie’s challenges and its hopes. She came to Pennsylvania in 2008 after fleeing her native Liberia, which was mired in civil war. She spent several years in a refugee camp in neighboring Sierra Leone before being resettled in Erie, which has a tradition of hosting migrants. Kendema lost her parents when she was just 7 years old. Her schooling stopped in the fourth grade. But she is determined to set an example of hard work and cheerful piety for her 10 children, who range in age from 5 to 25. She works her three jobs with purpose, trusting in God. In 2020, she purchased a run-down four-bedroom brick home for $10,000. After pouring $100,000 into renovations, the century-old residence gleams. One of her daughters, after a stint in the U.S. military, is now in college. Another is about to start high school. By next spring, four of her children will be high school graduates. “That’s my prayer for my kids, for them to do better in life,” she said. “I don’t want them to struggle the way I struggle.”

The prayer walk will be Saturday, September 7, at 9:20. Let’s meet on the far west side of Perry Square at the soldiers and sailors monument and like the brave men and women who came before us, do battle for our county and state!

August Prayer Assignments:

AUGUST PRAYER WALK – New date/time/place!
My friend Amber Shearer has called for prayer over Edinboro and I feel Holy Spirit’s nudge to join them. We will be meeting Tuesday evening, August 6, 6:30-7:30 PM in Edinboro at the Lakeside Pavilion, Lakeside Drive. There will not be a prayer walk Saturday, August 3.
The Native peoples who lived in the region called the land “Conneauttee” meaning Land of the Living Snowflake. We will be praying for rivers of Living Water to flow in and from the community and region declaring, “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” John 7:38 (NIV)

July Prayer Assignments:

Bryan & Stacy Kelley will be leading the prayer time. Click here for words from Stacy & the prayer focus:

Bryan and I have the privilege and honor to lead the July 6 Prayerie Prayer Walk. As we celebrate our nation’s birthday, I feel the urgency in my spirit to agree with Jesus’ prayer in John 17. The Awakening has begun, but the Body of Christ must stand together, unified in heart and purpose. She must be ready for the influx of people God is bringing to us in and out of the four walls of the Church. Here’s a small part of Jesus’ incredible prayer.

““And I ask not only for these disciples, but also for all those who will one day believe in me through their message. I pray for them all to be joined together as one even as you and I, Father, are joined together as one. I pray for them to become one with us so that the world will recognize that you sent me. For the very glory you have given to me I have given them so that they will be joined together as one and experience the same unity that we enjoy. You live fully in me and now I live fully in them so that they will experience perfect unity, and the world will be convinced that you have sent me, for they will see that you love each one of them with the same passionate love that you have for me.”

John 17:20-23 TPT
This unity is the evidence of Jesus’ reality and love!

Sadly, right now we are more focused on attacking each other than attacking our true enemy. The Lord reminded me of George Whitefield’ “Father Abraham Sermon.” Here’s an excerpt from it.

Whitefield was pretending to be at the gates of Heaven talking with Abraham:

He [Whitefield] began: “Father Abraham,” with his hands and eyes gracefully directed to the heavens. “Father Abraham, whom have you there with you? Have you Catholics?” “No” “Have you Protestants?” “No” “Have you Churchmen?” [Anglicans] “No” “Have you Dissenters?” [Congregationalists] “No” Have you Presbyterians?” “No” “Quakers?” “No” “Anabaptists?” [Amish and Mennonites] “No” “Whom have you there? Are you alone?” “No” “My brethren, you have the answer to all these questions in the words of my next text: ‘He who feareth God and worketh righteousness, shall be accepted of Him.’ [Acts 10:35].”

This sermon and others like it helped the Church to set aside secondary doctrinal differences in order to prepare the country to fight tyranny and injustice.

Let’s pray and agree with Jesus’ prayer for unity as our country is again facing evil and tyranny in the natural and spiritual realms.

Click here for more about the baptisms.

Fire on the Water Baptism

Presque Isle, Erie, PA

Beach 3 (Barracks Beach)

Friday, July 12, 2024  5:00 PM

Clothes should be modest when wet
No dresses or bathing suits
Complete change of clothes & towel

Pastor Todd Smith has led the North Georgia revival since it began in 2018, seeing multitudes of miraculous healings. He had a vision of Fire on the Water, leading to baptism services with Holy Spirit Fire. He promotes the events as multi-church baptismal services.

“He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted,  proclaim liberty to captives, and release to prisoners..”  Isaiah 61:1

For more information:PRAYERIE.org  OR

June Prayer Assignments:

June’s Prayer Walk is scheduled for Saturday, June 1st. Join us at the south east corner of Perry Square across from the Federal Court House where we will pray for our government and then walk the square as we are able.

Prayer for the Government Mountain

Prayer for the Government Mountain as delivered by Apostle Kevin Nelson at the National Day of Prayer:
Father, today we give thanks for divine province and how
you have set divine order in the heavens.
 So that the earth would be upheld by the counsel of
your word and the establish created order you ordained
before the foundation of the world.
 Today, we petition the court of heaven to hear the cry
of the Ekklesia for the restoration of our governments,
federal, state, and civil.
 Your counsel declares that the government was to be
established on the Shoulders of the son of God.
 That our Values, Principles, and Public Policies would be
a revelation from the purposes expressed in the
Kingdom of God.
 Today, we declare that morality has always preceded
all forms of the legal system and we offer our
repentance for establishing guidelines and ordinances
that feed our personal agendas and not the good of all
 We ask that you train all government officials how to
live in covenant with your principles for this republic.
 You were asked, what was the greatest law for us to
keep? You responded that we should love God with all
that was in us, and secondly, we should love our
neighbor as ourselves.
 Love and Grace is to be buried in all of the rulings of
the law; return us O God, to that place that we might
lead a quiet and peaceable life.
 You have given humanity the stewardship of the earth.
That being evident, you have called A nation to be a
people group who has borders that should be honored.
Without borders, we are no longer a nation.
o We pray for the immigration laws of our govt to
close the borders.
 We decree today, in agreement with your word, that
life does not begin in the womb, but it begins in your
heart. Like the prophet Jeremiah, you knew him before
he was in his mother’s womb, and you ordained him for
his day, as you have with all of us.
 We ask that the laws of this nation, reflect the created
order and intelligent design of a sovereign God, and
not the ignorance that define the limitations of our
understanding of life.
 May this nation, our governments, support life and life
more abundantly.
 Let pro-life be on the heart of every public policy; let
proper healthcare be the hallmark of every health
 As a Transcendent Authority, you decreed that,
 Ps 89:14 Righteousness and justice are the foundation
of Your throne; Mercy and truth go before Your face.
 So today, we decree and declare, and we establish
through this sound that Justice and righteousness has
returned to our nation, from the ground up, and from
the inside out.
 Father, as a people, we embrace a biblical worldview
and we pray that your revelation would trump human
reasoning and there would be a cry in the heart of our
leaders for truth in our nation.
I close this petition with your sovereign promise:
Ps 2
Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers
take counsel together, Against the Lord and against His
Anointed, saying,
3 “Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their
cords from us.”
4 He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall
hold them in derision.
5 Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress
them in His deep displeasure:
6 “Yet I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion.”
7 “I will declare the decree: The Lord has said to Me, ‘You
are My Son, Today I have begotten You.
8 Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your
inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession.
9 You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash
them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’”
10 Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you
judges of the earth.
11 Serve the Lord with fear, And rejoice with trembling.
12 Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the
way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all
those who put their trust in Him.


May Prayer Assignments:

Click the link for the entire Facebook Live feed:


Shofar, Welcome, Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance – Apostle Anita McCoy, Field of Dreams Harvest Ministry

Worship – Jamie & Jarid Tolson from Hope City, IHOP

Scripture Theme –II Samuel 22:29-31 – Stephanie Lindenberger

Prayer for 7 Cultural Mountains:

Family – Director of Youth for Christ Alina Zarova

Church – Pastor Christopher Martin

Government – Apostle Kevin Nelson

Education – Dr. Parris Baker

Business – Entrepreneur Victor Whitelock

Arts & Entertainment – Minister Tonya Husband

Media – WCTL GM Adam Q Frase

The Lord’s Prayer – Cindy Matta

Closing Song – God Bless America – Erie Impact Singers

7:00PM Benediction – Pastors Micah & Holly Bowers

Prayer for the Government Mountain

Prayer for the Government Mountain
Father, today we give thanks for divine province and how
you have set divine order in the heavens.
 So that the earth would be upheld by the counsel of
your word and the establish created order you ordained
before the foundation of the world.
 Today, we petition the court of heaven to hear the cry
of the Ekklesia for the restoration of our governments,
federal, state, and civil.
 Your counsel declares that the government was to be
established on the Shoulders of the son of God.
 That our Values, Principles, and Public Policies would be
a revelation from the purposes expressed in the
Kingdom of God.
 Today, we declare that morality has always preceded
all forms of the legal system and we offer our
repentance for establishing guidelines and ordinances
that feed our personal agendas and not the good of all
 We ask that you train all government officials how to
live in covenant with your principles for this republic.
 You were asked, what was the greatest law for us to
keep? You responded that we should love God with all
that was in us, and secondly, we should love our
neighbor as ourselves.
 Love and Grace is to be buried in all of the rulings of
the law; return us O God, to that place that we might
lead a quiet and peaceable life.
 You have given humanity the stewardship of the earth.
That being evident, you have called A nation to be a
people group who has borders that should be honored.
Without borders, we are no longer a nation.
o We pray for the immigration laws of our govt to
close the borders.
 We decree today, in agreement with your word, that
life does not begin in the womb, but it begins in your
heart. Like the prophet Jeremiah, you knew him before
he was in his mother’s womb, and you ordained him for
his day, as you have with all of us.
 We ask that the laws of this nation, reflect the created
order and intelligent design of a sovereign God, and
not the ignorance that define the limitations of our
understanding of life.
 May this nation, our governments, support life and life
more abundantly.
 Let pro-life be on the heart of every public policy; let
proper healthcare be the hallmark of every health
 As a Transcendent Authority, you decreed that,
 Ps 89:14 Righteousness and justice are the foundation
of Your throne; Mercy and truth go before Your face.
 So today, we decree and declare, and we establish
through this sound that Justice and righteousness has
returned to our nation, from the ground up, and from
the inside out.
 Father, as a people, we embrace a biblical worldview
and we pray that your revelation would trump human
reasoning and there would be a cry in the heart of our
leaders for truth in our nation.
I close this petition with your sovereign promise:
Ps 2
Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers
take counsel together, Against the Lord and against His
Anointed, saying,
3 “Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their
cords from us.”
4 He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall
hold them in derision.
5 Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress
them in His deep displeasure:
6 “Yet I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion.”
7 “I will declare the decree: The Lord has said to Me, ‘You
are My Son, Today I have begotten You.
8 Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your
inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession.
9 You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash
them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’”
10 Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you
judges of the earth.
11 Serve the Lord with fear, And rejoice with trembling.
12 Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the
way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all
those who put their trust in Him.


April Prayer Assignments:




God is moving and the Ekklesia in Erie is in alignment with his timing. Two weeks ago, we celebrated Jesus’ resurrection. Last week we saw God’s sign in the firmament and Erie declared together, “The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his hands” (Psalm 91:1). Erie, PA was in the path of eclipse totality, and is in the path of God’s glory!

Today we repent of turning away from theLight of his Son. We ask forgiveness and seek to establish God’s glory as Erie’s rear guard!
Isaiah 58:8 “Then your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you. The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.”

What is a rear-guard?

What is a rear guard?
The word for rearguard comes from the Hebrew word “aw-saf”. It means to gather into the company of others or simply “to bring up the rear”. It is a covering or detachment that is charged with executing defensive or retrograde movements between the main body and the enemy to prevent the latter from attacking or interfering with the movement of the main body. As the Israelites advanced toward the promised land, the tribes were set in order. Judah, Issachar, and Zebulan went first. Six more tribes came next. The last three tribes were given responsibility for the rear guard. Dan, Asher and Naphtali set out last and set the rear guard. These rear-guard tribes were not known for offensive military might but
rather were the most creative. They were skilled craftsmen who expressed and amplified God’s glory through sound, color, movement, and architecture. His Glory is seen the beauty of the creation. His glory is our defense, our rear guard. The enemy hates the glory of God and will flee his presence!
Setting God’s glory as rear guard; prayers & declarations over Erie –
Dan – means judge and is linked with the serpent (Genesis 49:16-17). We will need to watch, and keep our heal on the serpent’s head, or we will be deceived. We pray for the Ekklesia in Erie to have excellent discernment and make righteous judgements. We determine to only participate in righteous communication as we move into the new place God has for his body in days ahead. The accuser would try to use the words of God’s own people against his Ekklesia, so we guard our mouths and our hearts.
Naphtali –Moses final blessing on Israel in Deuteronomy 33:23, was, “O Naphtali, satisfied with favor, and full of the blessing of the Lord, Possess the land and be blessed. We declare Erie will be like a deer let loose (Genesis 49:21) with beautiful, shining words. Habakkuk 3:19 links back to the tribe of Naphtali saying, The Lord is my strength; he will make my feet like deer’s feet. And he will make me walk on my high hills.”
Asher – Anna was from the tribe of Asher and devoted herself to watching for the Lord (Luke 2:36). As Anna, we devote ourselves to watching for the Lord to show himself. We open our heart and mind to recognize him and tell of him to others.
We declare we are joyful in the watch; and in high spirits!
Glory to His Name!

March Prayer Assignments:


Prayer Points for Erie City/County

1. We enter into His gates with Thanksgiving and the courts of the Lord with Praise.
2. We offer corporate repentance on behalf of ourselves and our city/county for turning from God’s holy word and his righteous ways. Praying from Daniel 9
“O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive. O Lord, listen to us and act! Don’t delay—for your own sake.” And God replied to Daniel, “Your words were heard and I am here for your words.”
3. We invite you Holy Spirit into every area of our city and county. You hovered over the dark places when the world began and we invite you into Erie city,
and Erie County to take up residence in all areas. We invite the Holy Spirit into all of the Seven Mountains: Family, Business, Religion, Media, Education, Arts & Entertainment, and Government. Release the light of Christ on each mountain, and seat of authority. Declaring -Psalm 89.


A gathering of church and ministry leaders primarily for the purpose of prayer and unity, creating a single heart for the city/county.


MISSION STATEMENT: “Christian Advocacy Resource of Erie (CARE) will provide one resounding voice for the Erie community based on God’s Word and divine guidance. To provide representation of Christians in Erie regarding social, political, economic, and community matters. To be expressed with the loving compassion that is compatible with gospel teaching; powerful in both scope and magnitude as ordained by our Creator.”

February Prayer Assignments:

We are asking God to remember His promises to the Ekklesia for His names’ sake, as we open our hearts and listen carefully to what the Spirit is saying to all the churches; circling our territory with songs and shouts of deliverance (Revelation 3, Psalm 32:7 TPT).

Wake up, you living gateways, and rejoice! Fling wide, you eternal  doors! Here he comes; the King of Glory is ready to come in. You ask, “Who is this King of   Glory.” He is Yahweh, armed and ready for battle! The Holy One, the true one, who has David’s key. Who opens doors that none can shut and who closes doors that none can open (Psalm 24 TPT).

National Prayer Assignment for Waterways:

January 6, 2024 at Grace Fellowship Church 123 W. 10th St. Erie

PrayErie will continue to prayer walk the land, following Jesus’ example recorded in Luke 8:1; “They began to tour the cities and villages of Galilee.” After a time of prayer, we will walk the neighborhood, leaving “Rock Solid” blessings behind! You are invited and welcome to continue touring the cities and villages of Erie with us as we circle the county (counter-clockwise) the first Saturday of each month. May I encourage us to keep prayers up for our territory, where ever we are, whenever we can!

Over the past eight years we’ve walked the city square praying for the 7 Mountains of cultural influence. We’ve been around the county praying for education and municipalities; for people to have, “safe dwellings, quiet habitations and peaceful resting places” (Isaiah 32:18). We’ve prayed at Erie ports of entry and at county, state and international borders. As we’ve gathered at different locations, God’s prayer warriors have been faithful to come out and pray. For me, one of the best parts of these city/county tours has been meeting the prayer warriors who have been praying for their communities for years!

Prayers Up!