2018-2016 Prayer Walks at Perry Square for the 7 Mountains of Cultural Influence


2018-2016 Prayer Walks

Praying for the 7 Mountains of influence in society, all represented around Erie’s Perry Square. We pray to God for:

BUSINESS – To discover and transfer wealth into Kingdom purposes.

FAMILY – To impact social systems so that the family unit is prioritized.

GOVERNMENT – To fill positions with humble, servant leaders with integrity.

EDUCATION – To bring in new fear-of-God based curriculum.

RELIGION – To model a Holy Spirit infused life and ministry.

MEDIA – To fill the airwaves with news highlighted with hope.

ARTS/ENTERTAINMENT – To model the greater creative arts of God and prophesy through them.


God will fight for Erie! Winter of 2017-2018.

We dedicate the spoils back to the LORD (II Samuel 8:12, I Chronicles 18:11).


Psalm 102:27-28, “But You, Oh God, remain the same and Your years shall have no end. The children of Your servants shall dwell safely and continue and their descendants shall be established before You.” We in Erie, make JOY our compass for 2017!

The Hebrew word for rejoice means “to spin around, to be glad, be joyful.” “Fear not, oh land; be glad and rejoice for the LORD has done great things” (Joel 2:21)!

March 4, 2017 – Thank You LORD for what You have done in our county, state, and nation! The perspective we see is from James 2:13 “Mercy [full of glad confidence] triumphs victoriously over judgment.” We are blessed to live in this Gem City!


August 6, 2016 – We stand in agreement with William Penn’s Holy Experiment; that a government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. And we agree in prayer with the following inscription on the soldiers and sailor’s monument.

This early photo, possibly 1810, is of one of Erie’s Bayfront shipbuilding sites. God determined people would live in Erie and that we would be builders! We pray God floods Erie with fresh innovation, able entrepreneurs, deep resources, and new capital to build that which is pleasing to Him. “He made every nation of mankind to live on the face of the earth, having determined appointed times and the boundaries of their lands and territories (Acts 17:26).

August 6, 2016 – We walk our town square to SEE what God is SAYING (Habakkuk 2:1). Since our vision of God depends upon the state of our character, we begin with confession.